Our consultants are experts in building tribes of dedicated peer-to-peer fundraisers for community fundraising programs, crowdfunding campaigns and mass-participation events for clients all over the world…

We create opportunities for more people to get involved, care and support your cause.

Growth Strategies

Growth Strategies

Program Optimisation

Program Optimisation

Program Execution

Program Execution

Concept Development

Concept Development

Experience Design

Experience Design

Training & Coaching

Training & Coaching

Whether you want to start something fresh or improve an existing program — either a live event or an online campaign — working with us means you’ll maximise your reach, your revenue and your impact.

Raise Awareness

Raise Awareness

Expand Community

Expand Community

Increase Revenue

Increase Revenue

Latest posts from Our Blog

Fundraising, General P2P, News & Events

Helping you find a way…

Wow. What a crazy year it has been….and it’s only March. Around the world, th...
Introducing micro-consulting services. Your most urgent P2P questions answered

Introducing… 90-Minute Coaching Sessions!

We started testing this style of consulting last fall with a few new clients and...
not-so simple equation for a successful P2P fundraising programme

The Not-so-Simple Equation for Success

Below is the “simple” (ha!) equation for successful peer-to-peer (P2P) fundraisi...

Bring people together, give them a memorable experience,
and they will bring their friends.

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